"Don't be a juicebag"

Geek of the Week

With the relaunch of GGR comes a renewed focus on people who are doing awesome things they are passionate about. Whether it's music, art, writing, podcasting, or any other pursuit, those who are "geeky" about the things they love are welcome here, and once a month we will have a "Geek of the Week" who gets our focus. Now, I know what you're thinking: why is it "Geek of the Week" when they get a whole month? Because geek doesn't rhyme with month. Duh. 

March's Geek of the Week - Justina Johnson


With the relaunch of GGR comes a renewed focus on people who are doing awesome things they are passionate about. Whether it's music, art, writing, podcasting, or any other pursuit, those who are "geeky" about the things they love are welcome here, and once a month we will have a "Geek of the Week" who gets our focus. Now, I know what you're thinking: why is it "Geek of the Week" when they get a whole month? Because geek doesn't rhyme with month. Duh. 

Our first "Geek of the Week" is musician Justina Johnson. We interviewed her earlier this month at the FXBG Public Radio Studios in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Mike, EK the DJ and Justina talked about their favorite bands, best live performances they've seen, Justina's recent binge of Law and Order: SVU and play some tracks off of L.A.T.O.'s 2016 album Bullets (which you can buy right here). We were also lucky enough to have Justina play some live songs for us, too! Want to hear the podcast? Well, here's the link! 

Want to see a video of one of her songs? We got that right here, too! 

Want to know more about Justina Johnson, her band L.A.T.O. or any of their upcoming shows? Check out their website!