Geek Sheets for the Month of November
by Steve “Mithrandir” Monnich, Servant of the Secret Fire and Wielder of the Flame of Anor
Welcome (back) to this week’s edition of the Geek Sheets! I hope everyone out there had a fun and peaceful Thanksgiving. I know we here at GGR are thankful for all of the fun and fantastic memories we have been digging through during our annual Nostalgia November month. If you missed any of our jaunts down memory lane, Sorcerer Supreme and wielder of the crimson gem of Cyttorak Mike Lunsford has laid all our articles out for your viewing pleasure. This week’s article, much like our delicious poultry friend, has been stuffed to the brim with tasty goodness. We have a month’s worth of nerd notes, so let’s get started already!
Cassian Andor heading back to a Galaxy Far, Far Away
After news not too long ago from Disney stating that the Star Wars universe would be slowing down in new content, we have actually been hearing quite a lot about new projects. However, these future installments will all be on the small screen, on Disney’s new streaming platform Disney+ (not Mouseflix as I have been calling it, which is a waaay better name). The news here revolves around the character Cassian Andor, portrayed by Diego Luna, getting the green light for a new spin off show. Details are currently pretty scarce as to the nature of the show, however it’s obvious that the it will be a prequel based on how at the end of Rogue One Cassian is a smear on the surface of Scarif’s beaches. Hopefully as details come to light about this series, it ends up sounds as enticing as the other Star Wars show. Hey speaking of…
The Mandalorian Adds Two New Additions To The Cast (Gina Carano, Pedro Pascal)
Yeah Disney is REALLY slowing down with their Star Wars content. Suuuuuuure. No they are just moving the focus from huge blockbuster movies and shuttling efforts over to the television side of production. Hype has been growing and growing for “Monica’s boyfriend Pete” Jon Favreau’s upcoming series The Mandalorian, and now we have some names attached to the show. Game of Thrones stand out Pedro Pascal and Deadpool femme fatale Gina Carano have both signed on to portray some sort of scum and villainy. Current reports are that Pedro will be the titular Mandalorian while less is known about Ms. Carano’s role, other than it will probably be some sort of awesome murder machine only an ex-MMA fighter could pull off.
Jon Cryer Added To Supergirl As A Classic Villain
My mind is completely blown by this casting. Not because I have an issue with it at all, I think the casting choice is pretty on point in Cryer’s ability to portray the maniacal super villain, but because this isn’t the first time Cryer has played someone in the Luthor family. In 1987’s Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Mr. Cryer shows up as Lenny Luther, Lex’s punky nephew and now he has been cast the old sexy Lexy in Supergirl. I personally find the connection to be quite amusing and I don’t mind telling you it fills my heart with the happiness. I never really watched Two and a Half Men but all the scenes I would see in passing Cryer seemed to truly embody the nebbish, beta-male character that was written for him. Lex is not that type of character, so here is hoping that the portrayal wasn’t due to perfect type casting and more that Cryer pulled out of the pages the essence of that character. If he can do that again with the storied history of Lex Luthor, we have the best portrayal of the character to date.
Amazon Prime Allows Members To Dive Into Aquaman Early
“Really Steve? ‘Dive in?’ Puns are beneath you.”
Having an Amazon Prime membership has more advantages than just getting free shipping. They are now offering Prime members an exclusive early showing of Aquaman on Dec. 15, six days before the “I do more than talk to fish” superhero film opens.
Amazon announced Monday that Prime members can purchase up to ten tickets through Atom Tickets for the showing at more thousands of theaters across the country. It is a promotion that could boost sales for the DCEU movies that have been struggling to compete with their Marvel counterpoints. Amazon, Sony and Atom Tickets did a similar team up for last year’s Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. No word yet on if sea creatures or citizens of Westeros will be given a discounted tickets.
Stan Lee Passes Away At 95
The face of Marvel Comics since the 60s, Stan Lee passed away earlier this month at the age of 95. All of us at GGR are saddened by his passing. He was the Godfather of modern comic books and was a key part in bringing many of the characters we know in love in the Marvel Universe to life. He was crucial in the development of such characters as Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, the Incredible Hulk, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Iron Man just to name a few. His legacy is often complicated by issues of taking credit and not sharing it with the artists who helped create much of the Marvel Universe, but his impact as a promoter, marketer and salesman that made Marvel what it is today is unquestioned. Tributes from actors, writers, and artists filled social media after his passing.
That’s it for this week’s installment of the Geek Sheets. If only there was some way for you to hear myself and Mike have some of our other GGR contributors like MC Brooks, James Rambo and guests like Ulysses E. Campbell or Cedeño “G-Gats” talk about these sorts of things! Man! Curse our lacking technology in the 21st Century!!! Oh wait…my editor is informing me that we have something called a “pod cast” (sounds made up) and you can hear us, via the internet talk about these things! In fact, we’ll be recording one of these podcasts about these very topics! Make sure you tune in and subscribe to GGR Pirate Radio. I’m Steve Monnich and thank you for your patronage.
It went so well on “At The Diner” that Mike decided to invite some of the other podcasters from the GGR Pirate Radio Network! Mike is joined by Mariah Beachboard and BJ Robinson of “FedCon: Federation Conversations” and Ulysses E. Campbell of “The Fantastic Forum Podcast” as they share their favorite media from 2023.