"Don't be a juicebag"

GGR Pirate Radio

GGR Pirate Radio really exemplifies the "pirate radio" mantra. We talk movies, video games, relationships, comics, TV, sports, music and everything else under the sun. The only format: there is no format. All are welcome to talk about the thinks they “geek out” over as long as you follow the only rule: “don’t be a juicebag.”

"The Heavy Stuff"


We established the Great Geek Refuge as a place for everyone to escape the world and talk about nerdy/geeky things. We start with a rousing conversation about more fake band names. Then this episode goes into “the heavy stuff”, religion, faith, and spirituality. Join Mike, Steve, and MC as they discuss some of their beliefs about all of these things.

Recorded Friday February 15th, 2019 via Skype.

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