"Don't be a juicebag"

GGR Pirate Radio

GGR Pirate Radio really exemplifies the "pirate radio" mantra. We talk movies, video games, relationships, comics, TV, sports, music and everything else under the sun. The only format: there is no format. All are welcome to talk about the thinks they “geek out” over as long as you follow the only rule: “don’t be a juicebag.”

Posts tagged Pittsburgh Steelers
Fantasy NFL GM

Mike, Steve and MC play Fantasy NFL GM. How would they improve the dumpster fire that is Washington football and the surprisingly unimpressive Pittsburgh squad?

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Pittsburgh and DC Football and the 51st State?

Mike, Steve, MC and Ulie continue their conversation about the 2019 football season. Ulie also gives the crew some insight into the initiative for DC to become the 51st state.

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Listener Questions - Football Mt. Rushmore

Mike, Steve, and MC answer some listener questions. First one was courtesy of Dave Thomas, a fellow podcaster. He asked “What is your Washington football Mt. Rushmore?” Mike and MC cover their DC football pantheon plus Steve gives his take on his best Steelers of all time.

Recorded Friday September 7th, 2019 via Skype

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"Should I Stay or Should I Go?"

Mike, Steve, MC and Ulie discuss the Bryce Harper saga and talk about the biggest heartbreaking and franchise changing signings for their favorite sports teams.

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Geek of the Week - Erik Meyer of Gourmeltz

With the relaunch of GGR comes a renewed focus on people who are doing awesome things they are passionate about. Whether it's music, art, writing, podcasting, or any other pursuit, those who are "geeky" about the things they love are welcome here, and once a month we will have a "Geek of the Week" who gets our focus. Now, I know what you're thinking: why is it "Geek of the Week" when they get a whole month? Because geek doesn't rhyme with month. Duh. 

Our fourth "Geek of the Week" is professional chef and general manager of Gourmeltz and long-time friend of GGR, Erik Meyer. Mike and Erik discuss the history of the Gourmeltz, how he got into cooking and why he loves working for owner Matt Strickland. They also discuss Erik’s love of Pittsburgh sports, his dogs, video games and how he’s recruited friends and significant others to join his Gourmeltz team.

Recorded at Gourmeltz in Massaponax, Virginia on October 21st, 2018. 

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GGR Pirate Radio - Infinity War Discussion and "The Mt. Rushmore of Things"

Mike and Steve discuss the recent Capitals/Penguins series to open the show. They then discuss their feelings about Avengers: Infinity War (spoilers aplenty). And for their main topic of the episode, the two discuss their "Mt. Rushmore" picks for their respective favorite sports cities: D.C. and Pittsburgh. 

Recorded via Zencastr on Friday May 11th, 2018. 

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