What to Watch: Ash vs The Evil Dead
by Mike "Boomstick" Lunsford, Editor-in-Chief
originally posted on www.rockdeeprogueradio.com on January 13th, 2018.
It's cold as (fill in your own euphemism) right now! Who wants to do anything outside when you can loaf on your couch and/or bed and watch Netflix or Hulu? That's right, the answer is no one. At least, no one who is sane.
The problem becomes, what should you watch? There is a lot of content out there and with most of the country locked in the house because of frigid weather, you've probably run through most of the shows you had earmarked as "must watch." Now you find yourself searching for something else to binge. Thankfully, you have yours truly to guide you through the doldrums and find you something worth your time. This will be a continuing series I do here on the GGR Pop Culture Blog.
Ash vs The Evil Dead
Where to watch it: Netflix or Starz! Network (they have their own app you can access if you subscribe)
Recently, Netflix added season 1 and 2 of Ash vs The Evil Dead. Now, let me give you fair warning before you blindly jump into this series: it's gross... but in a hilarious way. If you like horror, but more specifically, you're a fan of the original Evil Dead/Army of Darkness series you have to find the time to watch both seasons. They're only 10 episodes each and I enjoyed every minute of both.
Don't let the angry man with a chainsaw for a hand influence your decision :)
When we last left our hero, Ash (Bruce Campbell, Burn Notice) had awoken Evil again after reading from the Necronomicon. This time he's not alone in his fight; he has his co-workers from Value Stop, Pablo (Ray Santiago) and Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo). This is a new twist for Ash as he is normally a loner, choosing to fight evil by himself to mitigate the possibility of people he cares about getting hurt. As the season progresses, Pablo and Kelly both prove to be able to hold their own in a fight as the threesome gets closer to stopping the evil curse of the "book of the dead."
once, twice, three times a boomstick!
Officer Amanda Fisher is a crucial part of the season as well, seeing the effects of the Evil Dead herself and being fortunate enough to survive. She thinks all of this is Ash's fault, and is dead set on finding him to avenge her partner's death. We are also introduced to the mysterious stranger Ruby (Lucy Lawless, Xena: Warrior Princess). Is she evil? Is she good? Well, it turns out that Ruby is nearly immortal and was in fact... you know what... no spoilers. Watch the series. This reveal is pretty good and would take away from the experience of her awesome character if I told you.
Ruby...you got something right there...like...on your cheek...you know what, your creepy stare tells me that you're not too concerned.
Season 2 is just as intense with some interesting twists and turns. I enjoyed this series so much and appreciate that many haven't seen it or are familiar with it, so there are NO spoilers at all. You need to see it and enjoy it yourself. There are some great throwbacks to Ash's past, including his father (played by Lee Majors), who is exactly what you would expect/hope for when it comes to the father of Ash Williams.
"They can rebuild you, son. They can make you better, stronger, faster...wait...wrong show."
Season 2 really opens up the Evil Dead lore as we learn about the origins of the Necronomicon: who created it, where it came from, who wants to possess it and why. We are also introduced to another nemesis to Ash and crew: the demon, Baal (Joel Tobeck, Sons of Anarchy). He has the power to create paranoia and discord in everyone. He relies on his ability to seduce and mind control his victims rather than brute force. Luckily for Ash, Kelly and Pablo continue to ride shotgun with Ash (no pun intended) and there is even some help from Ruby and some other Sam Raimi staples, such as his brother Ted. You are in for quite the ride for this season as well with some some insane and shocking evil manifestations such as a possessed car and an Ash-inspired evil puppet.
"Just because I think we should sing 'Rainbow Connection' doesn't mean you should be able to murder me!"
If you're squeamish about blood by the buckets full, then Ash vs The Evil Dead is not for you. I'm just giving you fair warning if you're not familiar with Sam Raimi's style of gore. If you're into that sort of thing (and you're reading this, so I'm sure you are), this show hits the pedal to the floor from the first episode and doesn't let up once during the series. You think you've seen the most bloody and gory scene and then something else tops it. I can give away the fact that there is going to be another season! I couldn't be more excited. The end of season one leaves me wishing for more, just like you want a series to do. This one isn't for everyone, but for those of you who love this sort of horror/action/comedy mash-up, it's 5 out of 5 stars.
Ash vs The Evil Dead is violent, gory, and hilarious in a ridiculous-over-the-top style of "how can we scare you, gross you out and make you laugh all at the same time?" You can never accuse Bruce Campbell of taking himself too seriously in this role but at the same time, you wonder if Ash will ever get to live a normal life...and if he could, would he really want to?
Chelsea House reviews the exciting finale of House of the Dragon. Who’s side do you chose? Spoilers beware!