"Don't be a juicebag"

The Geek Sheets Podcast

Welcome one and all to the Geek Sheets.  Here you will find a snapshot of some of the past week’s news headlines, but with a nerdy bent. Our GGR Pirate Radio podcasters will discuss the items with a variety of guests.

Posts tagged Dark Phoenix
Geek Sheets: Dark Phoenix, Star Wars Talk, and Venom

Mike, Steve and MC review the Geek Sheets for the first week of October. Topics include: The X-Men: Dark Phoenix trailer and subsequent delay of the release, the passing of director/producer Gary Kurtz and his impact on the Star Wars franchise. The crew delve into some more Star Wars news such as John Favreau’s new series The Mandalorian, the revival of Star Wars: Clone Wars, and the direction JJ Abrams may be taking Episode IX. They finish with some talk about Sony’s new release, Venom.

Recorded October 5th, 2018 at the FXBG Public Radio Studios in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

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