Mike, Steve, MC and special guest C Gats discuss some of the pressing geeky news of the moment. Topics include: the new Breaking Bad movie El Camino and it’s upcoming release, casting news from the new The Batman film, the deleted post-credit scene from Iron Man that prefaced some cool crossovers back in 2008, and all the insanity of more Sony/MCU Spider-Man news.
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Welcome one and all to the Geek Sheets. Here you will find a snapshot of some of the past week’s news headlines, but with a nerdy bent. Our GGR Pirate Radio podcasters will discuss the items with a variety of guests.
Ruby Slippers found, Tarantino on Star Trek, Domhnall Gleeson talks in his sleep, an Iron Fist S2 review and the Hill Hippie from FXBG Public Radio!
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