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Video Games

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End of the Year Video Game Extravaganza!

The Game Awards

Playstation Experience

Xbone outsells PS4

Wii U is clearly the best bet

by Dumblegus: a guy who reads garbage


     Now is a great time to be a gamer! The new generation of systems and games have finally started to hit their stride and, with the year almost over, there are a ton of great events and sales. Let's take a look at some of the highlights!

     Last year at The VGX on Spike, Joel McHale took a crap on video game enthusiasts and his co-host Geoff Keighley by expressing his disdain for the medium through sarcastic remarks and awful jokes.



This year, Keighley ditched Spike and McHale and put on the event his way, via live stream. The results were part gaming convention, part concert, and part awards show. For true game enthusiasts who were looking to celebrate their favorite medium, it was a great presentation. 

     There was  a noticeable abundance of support, announcements, and demos, especially from Nintendo (the Zelda U demo being the highlight). The Japanese gaming giant had a rough year in 2013 as sales for the Wii U did not meet expectations. This year has been a bounce back year for the home console trend setters, marking their best since the release of the original Wii. Super Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart, and last year's Mario 3D World and Wind Waker HD easily make the Wii U the best console on the market right now. With next years release of Star Fox U and Zelda U(proper titles unannounced) it will continue the trend.

You're so adorable WiiU!

You're so adorable WiiU!

     Nintendo isn't the only one making noise right now as Sony followed up The Game Awards by kicking off their first ever Playstation only consumer show. They called it the Playstation Experience for the 20th anniversary of the brand. PS fans got to go hands-on, playing tons of upcoming titles not releasing until 2015. They were treated to plenty of great Vita and PS4 announcements, most of which were already speculated, but still fun none the less. The Uncharted 4 demo looks ever promising, check out IGNs list here: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/12/06/psx-2014-every-announcement-from-the-playstation-experience

At least an in person experience with Sony shouldn't get hacked!

At least an in person experience with Sony shouldn't get hacked!

     Annnnnnnnnnd the November sales charts have arrived... and Microsoft’s Xbox One sells like hotcakes with crazy good prices on crazy good bundles. What a great time it is to play this crap we love so much.

"I'm so cool, Dumblegus called me Xbone. I'd use that as my gamer tag, but I'm sure someone else has it and they yell obscenities on XBox LIve." 

"I'm so cool, Dumblegus called me Xbone. I'd use that as my gamer tag, but I'm sure someone else has it and they yell obscenities on XBox LIve." 

Oh! And a Steam sale too! Have a Great Christmas or whatever, we just want games not socks regardless of our winter celebrations.

for 45 dollars you can get Star Wars: KOTOR I & II and both Portal games! I mean...damn. I don't even have a snappy joke for that. That's just a really good deal for 4 awesome games!

for 45 dollars you can get Star Wars: KOTOR I & II and both Portal games! I mean...damn. I don't even have a snappy joke for that. That's just a really good deal for 4 awesome games!