"Don't be a juicebag"

Geek Sheets

What’s the big news in the geek world? Check out GGR’s “Geek Sheets” to see the buzz.

Geek Sheets - Second Week of October

by Steve Monnich, Pumpkin King and ruler of Halloweentown but yearns to know of Christmas

Welcome one and all to this week’s edition of the Geek Sheets!  Happy Columbus Day to anyone who gives a care to that particular holiday.  I personally am one of the ones that goes “huh? We have Monday off? Why? Oh, it’s Columbus Day? Cool!”.  So now if you are like me, you all of the sudden find yourself with an entire day of free time you were not prepared for.  So what do you do?  Perhaps you finally get on that exercise plan, clean the house or educate yourself on some new skill you would like to learn? NAW! We all sat in chairs and watched nerdy stuff! USA! USA! USA! And if you are looking to get all meta on things and listen to a show about other people who sat and listened to/watched nerdy things, please like and subscribe all of our growing family of podcasts on the GGR network.  We have GGR Pirate Radio, The Geek Sheets Podcast, Stop Me If You’ve Heard This, The Overflow and new ones are always in the works.  Check them out next Flag Day or Arbor Day or any day really!


Aquaman Extended Trailer Drops


I feel that it is safe to say that the public at large is overall divided on the DCEU in regards to its quality, decision making, casting, and adherence to the source material.  We are in the fourth quarter and the score is DCEU ten, public sentiment thirty.  Time for some hail Mary passes, swings for the fences, taking nothing but 3-pointers style risks to bring their game back.  And by all evidences that appears to be the case with their new Joker movie (yes I know it’s not DCEU but shut up), Shazam and the next film to drop, Aquaman.  To generate hype as we rocket towards the holiday season (can you believe it’s already Columbus Day!?), Warner Bros/ DC has dropped a roughly 5-minute extended look at the new Aquaman film.  By all appearances this will be following very closely to the New-52 story line of character, will be bright and vibrant, and will have Dolph Lundgren.  It’s clear that DC takes notes from its past failures, and with James Wan at the helm, if this film is indeed as captivating as the extended trailer was, we may have a winner on our hands.


Daredevil Season 3 Trailers


Now onto something that is has a far more positive track record, Season 3 of Netflix’s hit Daredevil show has a slate of new trailers that have recently found their way onto the ol’ internet.  This season looks to have an excellent hook in the new villain to the series Bullseye will be parading about town dressed as the titular character, presumably perpetrating various heinous acts. Kingpin is back in a big way, showing off his comic’s accurate white suit and all.  We also have the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen returning to his black, Frank Miller era garb, setting the tone that perhaps everything Matt has built up as the Devil, all the allies and all the victories will be stripped away, leaving him back where he started to battle his greatest villain.  This season is going to be fantastic, and please go check out the handful of trailers that have been released, as they not only paint the picture for the season but also have some character specific threads as well.


Venom blows up and teases…(REDACTED FOR SPOILERS!! Don’t read unless you want to know!)


With a staggering $80.2 million, Venom has shattered the record for a film opening in the month of October.  Many were unsure of how the film would fair, as there were many conflicting variables one could point to predict it as a success or failure. For example, a few negatives were: opening with a lower Rotten Tomatoes score, being a superhero film with a darker story, and making it PG-13 so it was suitable for the kiddos. However, it seems the positives outweighed those negatives. The diehard Venom fans, Tom Hardy being a box office draw, horror elements around Halloween, no direct superhero film competition and heavy marketing were enough to outpace even the studio’s highest projections.  For fans of Venom and the symbiotes in general, there was quite the teaser in the credits which…seriously here is the spoiler so stop reading…ok for real last chance…if you didn’t stop but are mad send all angry message’s to Khal Mike “The Barbarian” Lunsford Of Mars…sets up the villain Carnage.  Ok so maybe it was kind of obvious that Carnage would be teased in a Venom movie, BUT did you see that it would be Woody Freaking Harrelson playing Cletus Kasady?! Mic drop!


So I hope you now have a good playlist of things you need to watch the next time you have free time.  Although come to think of it, but the time the next holiday hits there will be a whole bunch more new stuff to see and a lot of these trailers will be old news and Venom will be on its last legs.  Hmmm. Well when the next holiday hits in November, maybe you can watch them all again for the sake of…nostalgia? November.  Nostalgia.  Sounds like a good combination to me.  Maybe we here at GGR should think of doing something like that…(psst, that’s a set up telling you to look out for our third annual Nostalgia November, which is a month long celebration of old content including shows, video games, movies, comic books, all the usual nerd fair.  Now you can look cool like you knew that the whole time). Well that’s all for this week refugees, so until next time, I’m Steve Monnich and don’t be a juicebag.