"Don't be a juicebag"

Geek Sheets

What’s the big news in the geek world? Check out GGR’s “Geek Sheets” to see the buzz.

Geek Sheets - Month of June


By Steve Monnich, co-found of The Great Geek Refuge and 2x winner of the Kumite

Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of the Geek Sheets! So, we are all just kind of sitting here waiting aren’t we?  We are in the afterglow of the post-Endgame, post-Game of Thrones hype storm. Right now there is a whole lot of news about casting for stuff, potential casting for stuff, primers for things coming in the future, MIB International and X-Men: Dark Phoenix both…happened. When it comes to those blockbuster, jaw dropping, community building news, there tends to be peaks and valleys.  And my friends, the altitude is looking a little low.  But hey! That doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun and hope along the way! The hype train has to pull out of the station slowly and then build up steam until we are all eventually disappointed by whatever we had built up in our heads!

Game of Thrones prequel begins production


The first of the reported 97 Game of Thrones projects has begun filming in Northern Ireland.  The show, which may or may not be named “Bloodmoon” hopes to pick up where season 5 of GOT left off (yes we are just pretending 6-8 was a fever dream I had after Jaime Lanister stabbed me in the leg).  All jokes aside, GOT set the bar so damn high with the quality of the visuals, the impact of the score, the choreography of the combat scenes and the effectiveness of the acting, which is why it was such a shame the writing let that all down.  However, the world has been built and the fandom is desperate for something…anything…that doesn’t just end like LOST where all the mysteries don’t matter and everyone dies.

2 Avengers video games’ trailers drop


So, apparently I am being told that they continued making video games after The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask came out in 2000. And now they are telling me that some of these video games also star characters from the very popular Marvel Comics brand of funny books! One of them is from a little company called Square Enix, who made Hanjuku Hero Tai 3D and probably other things you’ve never heard of. Boy do people LOVE the way the characters look in this game! Meanwhile across the street, video game giant Nintendo stroked it’s proverbial chin and said “Avengers huh? We can do that but like more of a cartoon?” So anyway, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is coming out too.  It also is staring almost exclusively characters seen in the MCU and will prominently feature Thanos, the Infinity stones and the Black Order.  So…points for creativity I guess.

Avengers: Endgame isn’t done yet


So you’re telling me there’s a chance?  No, not just a reference to a movie that came out in 1994, but an outside shot of Avengers: Endgame to become the #1 worldwide box office of all time, finally toppling that false king Avatar.  Being only a mere $45 million short of the crown, Kevin Feige has announced that Endgame will be pushed back into theaters for a special release with some additional footage. This strategy will possibly give the 4th Avengers film legs to last until the release of Spider-man: Far From Home.  We have seen from Black Panther and Captain Marvel that an MCU film can have a second life when another MCU film drops.  Drive-in combos and additional cinema screens could have us see a new leader in history.

So there are some things about stuff that may happen in the future. Hopefully some of this stuff will be awesome and years from now we can all look back at this article and go “wow they had no clue how big Square Enix’s Avengers would be! What a bunch of stupid past idiots”. But for now all we can do is hope and pray that some of our favorite media can continue to make awesome little media babies that entertain and stimulate us…at least until the next thing comes along.  Until next time, I’m Steve Monnich and don’t be a juicebag!

Curious about MIB: International or X-Men: Dark Phoenix and want to know if they’re worth your time? Ulysses E. Campbell of Fantastic Forum has reviews ready for you! Give them a listen!