"Don't be a juicebag"

Geek Sheets

What’s the big news in the geek world? Check out GGR’s “Geek Sheets” to see the buzz.

Geek Sheets: First Week of September

by Steve Monnich, actually it's DOCTOR Steven Monnich, Sorcerer Supreme 

Welcome one and all to this week’s edition of the Geek Sheets!  I hope that Labor Day was a relaxing and invigorating reprieve from all the labor that you normally do.  I assume like everyone out there, despite having a three day weekend, you are even more tired somehow that a normal weekend, so let’s ease you into the week’s stresses with some tasty morsels of pop culture tidbits.  And don’t forget that once you have finished chugging all your five hour energies, stretching all your 15 minute breaks into 20 minuters, and getting Lumburgh all his TPS reports, kick back and relax with our GGR Pirate Radio podcast that comes out weekly.  It really helps get you thru once you realize that you have 5 days of work crammed into 4 days, so it really wasn’t a day off at all! Hmmm…that’s kind of a downer…oh well, onto the stories you clicked here for!




Big props to our Supreme Leader, King of the Andals and the First Men, Grand Admiral, Editor-in-Chief Mike Lunsford for cluing me in on this story, as I thought there was only one pair of Ruby Slippers housed in the Smithsonian, but it appears there are a few pairs and one was, gasp, stolen! Back in the halcyon days of 2005, some turd nabbed one of the pairs of Ruby Slippers from the original 1939 classic The Wizard Of Oz from a museum in Minnesota dedicated to actress Judy Garland.  The FBI (yeah, the FBI!) was on the hunt for the pair for the past 13 years, finally coming up with a victory.  Probably took a lot of brains, courage and heart to accomplish this task…I’ll…I’ll see myself out.




HAHAHA, just kidding! That’s not a surprise at all if you are human who knows what movies are.  However, the part that maybe somewhat surprising is the flavor of R-Rating he would like to see in the film, which will be used more to “capture the horrors of space” according to Karl Urban, who has some knowledge on the pitch.  The more its discussed, the more it makes sense as well, since an empty, airless void replete with star monsters and warring alien civilizations can make for a pretty terrifying place.  Star Trek has always had a more hopeful aura about it, where even in times of trouble somewhere you knew that the crew would survive (except a red shirt or two, or Tasha Yar).  This version would seek to put that fear of the unknown into the crew, and to the audience.




In the online world of instant access to spoilers, leaks, set pics and that dude who total worked on the set and can answer anything you wanna know about at the script, it can be a very tempting to just take a quick peak and see what’s going to happen on that new blockbuster film.  This feeling extends to the actors themselves, as Domnhall Gleeson, who portrays General Hux in the new Star Wars trilogy, has read the entire script for Episode IX.  Kind of like a wish granted on the monkey’s paw, the wish comes with terrible consequences because now Gleeson has to work very hard to not be Tom Holland who spoils just everything by accident.  Gleeson quipped that he was worried about accidentally spoiling details in his sleep and being forced to pay off anyone who heard it, which makes me wonder what the going rate for Ambien induced spoiler hush money is these days?

Man now that the holiday break is over I could really use a vacation! All this resting is getting exhausting, so I need to kick back and relax by reading some of the amazing articles or listening to some of the hilarious podcasts you can find throughout the site.  Nothing will recharge your batteries and get you motivated to get going like a good laugh.  So, until next time Refugees, I’m Steve Monnich and don’t be a juicebag.